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Are your rates also decreasing?

Title: *|MC:SUBJECT|*


I know what you’re thinking and we’ve all been there: “How can I get more money out of my bookings?” and the answer that usually pops into everyone’s mind is usually the same: “I need to increase my rates”.

Unfortunately, it’s not that easy, is it? We can’t just simply go around and increase $10 here, $15 there and hope for the best.

I am joining a community of hosts created to help us improve our business. For instance, they provide us with a way to make money from recommending services to our guests. It’s a great way to increase revenue per booking and improve the experience of our guests at the same time.

You can also be a part of this and help us grow!

Click here to know how



This email is sent to you by Hostogether. It is portrayed as a testimonial and was inspired in the challenges our beta members and other hosts have shared with us while conceptualizing Hostogether
