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RE:Second Notification of Request

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Attention: Sir/Madam
RE:Second Notification of Request.
I am a personal attorney to late Mrs. Claudia and I hereby once again write to notify you through this means as my earlier Email returned undelivered.
I wish to notify you that my late client Mrs. Claudia according to the contractual agreement made you the Heir/Inheritor to the deposit she had with Storage Company in South-Africa.Before her untimely death,she deposited a huge amount of money with a storage company.
Being a widely traveled woman and relative of yours,I believed that both of you must have been in contact with each other in the past and she simply decided to surprise you with inheritance of the deposit.Mrs. Claudia until her death was a crude oil businesswoman, contractor, member of the Helicopter Society and the Institute of Electronic & Electrical Engineers. She was a very dedicated Religious person who has much passion for the less privileged. Her great philanthropy earned her numerous awards during her life time.
She died on the 2nd day of August 2010 at the age of 52 years. The storage company has issued me a notice as a witness and personal attorney to the deceased at the time of deposit to contact you as the Heir/Inheritor for immediate withdrawal. Otherwise, the deposit would be moved over to the government bonded warehouse as unclaimed or abandoned property.All the legal documents that will back up the claim of deposit are with me hence I require your cooperation to procure and present the affidavit of claim/inheritor to the storage company in order to get the fund retrieved in your favor.
This is not in any way illegal; because as an Attorney, I have made all the enquiries on South African Property/Fund Inheritance Release and I found out that according to the South-African Inheritance by law, all we need do is to identify you as the person stipulated in the contractual agreement and deposit certificate as the Heir/Inheritor.Thereafter, the storage company will automatically release the fund to you. As an attorney to the deceased, I guarantee the successful execution of this transaction because of my relationship with late Mrs. Claudia.
In order to accelerate the processes, I will like you to quickly response back to enable me provide you with more details and relevant documents that will be needed from the storage company immediately and finally schedule a visit with you to the Storage Company.
Lastly, we shall agree on my own percentage upon your final claim and withdrawal of the deposit.
reply to: donald.d.garcia@gmx.com
Yours in service.
Donald D. Garcia.